Reverend Jeff Kardisco

Senior Pastor

Pastor Jeff is a graduate of Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS) where he earned his Masters in Divinity in May of 2016. He also studied English at Mansfield University and at Penn State’s Mont Alto campus before attending seminary. He was ordained on July 30th, 2017 at Trinity United Church of Christ in Waynesboro Pennsylvania. While in seminary he participated in LTS’s tracks for specialization in youth and young adult ministries, as well as chaplaincy.

Pastor Jeff was born and raised in central Pennsylvania and had lived there his entire life before coming to Massachusetts. He grew up in the church and is passionate about centering his life on how God calls him into ministry – in both traditional and non-traditional ways. His passions in ministry are social justice, community building, faith formation, and exploring creative ways to do ministry. Before serving as senior pastor at Christ Congregational Church, Pastor Jeff served as Associate Pastor at Mt. Zion UCC in York, Pennsylvania where he was responsible for youth ministry, children’s ministry, spiritual formation, as well as helping with pastoral care and worship leadership.

Pastor Jeff is excited for the opportunity to work with the members of Christ Congregational, as well as the many community partners throughout Brockton, to continue working for justice, equity, and peace – which are all essential building blocks for a Beloved Community.

Alex Green

Music Director

Mr. Alex Green (MSM, CAGO, MT-BC) graduated summa cum laude (with highest honors) from Boston University where he earned his Masters in Sacred Music, with an emphasis in pipe organ performance. Prior to that, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy at Utah State University. 


He accompanies and directs choirs from the organ, piano and guitar and currently also serves as choral group director at Brightview Senior Living and at WellSpring Village in Canton. He also has an independent music therapy practice in Walpole. He performs regularly with the renowned Copley Singers based in the Boston area, founded by the late Brian Jones of Trinity Church. 


Alex began lessons at six years old with piano pedagogy pioneers, Reid Nibley and Richard Anderson and continued his keyboard studies with Bonnie Goodliffe (an organist for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Salt Lake City), Craig Williams (organist at West Point Academy, NY, site of the largest church organ in the world), and Peter Sykes, professor at Boston University and Juilliard.

He enjoys keeping up with the news, creating portraits of both people and pets, and making all his meals. And last but not least: dancing!


Deana Colby

Church Secretary

Deana is available Tuesdays-Fridays, 9am-2pm.  Deana is a member of the church, mother of three, and started her position in September, 2016.  Deana manages publications (the bulletin and newsletter) and a wide range of other tasks and duties.

Thomas Fisher

Church Security

Thomas serves as our security person and is here whenever committees or other evening functions are going on. He is the “go to” person if there is a problem with the building, helps committees get set up, and locks up at the end of the night. Thomas is a life-long church member and teaches math in Brockton by day. He is married to Sheppo, and has two children, Tamara and Sam.

Keith Allen

Church Staff

Jennifer Brosky & Rev. Karen McArthur

Church Bookkeepers

Jennifer and Karen keep the books at Christ Church. They are most likely to be found in the building on Tuesdays, but can be reached by email, phone, or through the church office.