Count Me In!
Stewardship 2024 Pledge Information
Stewardship 2024 Pledge Information
We stand in support of the Right Reverend Mariann Budde, Bishop of the Diocese
of Washington DC and echo her plea for mercy and compassion to prevail in our midst over
division and political expediency.
Our church has embarked on a journey that led us to identify racial justice as one of two “strategic pathways” that will guide our mission priorities in the coming years. We pray for the courage to take the risks demanded of us as people of faith called to seek justice for all of humanity.
Our congregation has become increasingly troubled by the racial injustices within our society.
Our church Council has issued a public statement declaring our commitment to move past complacency and to do the work to become a community that embraces and lives out racial and social justice.
1350 Pleasant Street in Brockton
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