We have partnered with BIC to promote a racism pledge, check it out here
Statement of Christ Congregational Church, Brockton, MA
in Response toa Racist Verbal Assault on One of Our Members
Official Church Statement:
December 7, 2020
On November 7 a member of our church, Christ Congregational Church in Brockton, was working in our front yard along Pleasant Street when a passing vehicle slowed and the driver stuck his head out his window. Pointing to our large “Black Lives Matter” sign, the passerby verbally assaulted our member with hate-filled threats: “I hope you [f-ing] die, you [n-word]-lover. You’re going to die you [f-ing] [n-word]-lover.”
The previous Sunday we arrived for our outdoor church service to find a political candidate placard staked in our lawn so that it covered the “Black Lives Matter” sign.
Both incidents come on the heels of our identifying racial justice last winter as a mission priority of our congregation in the coming years; issuing a public statement last spring recognizing our own complicity in institutional racism and supporting the protests provoked by the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis; and holding an anti-racism prayer vigil in front of our building.
The verbal attack last month was something no one should ever have to experience. The person assaulted, who is white, was shaken by the intensity and depth of the hatred the driver expressed. It also stirs that member and the rest of us, in particular those who are white, to be ever conscious that this one incident is just a glimpse of what our members of color and our sisters and brothers of color in Greater Brockton and throughout our nation experience on a regular basis, often with more violence and destruction. We are awakened to the fact that racist hate is not something that only exists in some other place and time; we recognize that it exists right here and now in our own community, and that it can be just as destructive as it ever has been.
Here at Christ Congregational Church we stand with our sisters and brothers of color everywhere in condemning and combatting racism in all the ways it devalues Black and Brown lives—including pervasive institutional racism, entrenched white privilege, and bigoted white supremacy. Genesis 1:27 says that the whole of humanity is created in God’s image; could it not then be clearer that Black and Brown lives matter? With our community partners, such as the Brockton Interfaith Community and other communities of faith, we are committed to working for a more just and equitable future –a future where racism and the power of white supremacy has been eradicated.
Today, and every day going forward, we at Christ Congregational Church stand with our brothers and sisters of color throughout Greater Brockton and throughout the world to proclaim that Black and Brown Lives Matter, that hatred and bigotry have no home here, and that we will not silently hide behind the privilege of our white members any longer. Our sign will remain, and our work in confronting racial injustice will continue.
The Fall Concert presented by the Christ Church Pipe Organ Series on November 8 featured Peter Krasinski as guest organist. The free program included musical favorites and an improvised “soundtrack” to a short comedy silent film.
You can still enjoy the performance over the next month by clicking on the video below.
9:55 a.m. December 1, 2019Watch Welcome to worship! As you settle in for worship, please feel free to light a candle of prayer in the chapel area (right side of sanctuary). The children will be with us until the passing of the peace, then may go to their classes. They will return for communion. There is nursery care available throughout the service, and a crying room for those who become inconsolable.
RINGING OF THE CHIMES Sylvia Berry, Organist
GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS Barry Shelley, Moderator *PROCESSIONAL HYMN ‘O Come, O Come, Emmanuel’ No. 119
LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE Hope Leader: Holy One, the season of hope is upon us: All: hope for the future; hope for the promise; hope for all that is to be. Leader; Receive our worship this day, and as we light our first candle we pray that we may live and worship you in hope. Amen.
INTROIT ‘Christmas Is Coming’ Joel RaneyWatch Christmas is coming, let the church bells ring! People celebratin’ the birth of a King. Shoutin’ Hosanna till the heavens ring. Christmas is comin’, let the church bells ring! Christmas is comin’, Mary’s baby boy, bringin’ us a message of comfort and joy. Glory hallelujah, what a wonderful thing. Christmas is comin’, let the church bells ring!
PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION KYRIE ‘Prepare the Way of the Lord’ No. 121 *WORDS OF ASSURANCE *RECEIVING AND SHARING GOD’S LOVE (by handshake, embrace, or with hands folded) The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. (the children may be excused to their classes) *Asterisk indicates all who are able may stand Bold print indicates congregational response *GLORIA ‘Prepare the Way of the Lord’ No. 121
PSALM 122 Judy CopleyWatch A READING FROM THE LETTERS OF PAUL Romans 13:11-14Jeff Illsley A READING FROM THE GOSPELS Matthew 24:36-44
THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE OF GODWatch OFFERTORY ‘Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord’ Paul Baloche Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see you. I want to see you high and lifted up, shining on the light of your glory; pour out your pow’r and love, and we sing, “Holy, holy, holy.”
*DOXOLOGY ‘Emmanuel, Emmanuel’ No. 134 Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called Emmanuel. God with us, revealed in us, his name is called Emmanuel.
*SONG ‘Emmanuel, Emmanuel’ (as above) THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION THE COMMUNION PRAYER God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to God. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise. It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God… Therefore, with all who love and serve you in heaven and on earth, we raise our voices: WORDS OF INSTITUTION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION
SHARING THE BREAD AND CUP (We will pass the communion plates in the pews. Our table is open to all. Please pass the tray to the center of the pew. The person in the center may take a piece of the bread and dip it in the grape juice. Then take the tray and serve the next person, returning the tray to the deacon. Gluten-free wafers are available in the small dish for those who need them.)
COMMUNION MUSIC ‘Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent’ Gustav Holst (1874-1934)Watch
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling stand; Ponder nothing earthly minded, For with blessing in His hand, Christ our God to earth descending Comes our homage to demand. King of kings, yet born of Mary, As of old on earth He stood, Lord of lords, in human vesture, In the body and the blood; He will give to all the faithful His own self for heavenly food. Rank on rank the host of heaven Spreads its vanguard on the way, As the Light of light descendeth From the realms of endless day, Comes the powers of hell to vanquish As the darkness clears away.
RESPONSIVE PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING You have given yourself to us, Lord. Now we give ourselves to others. Your love has made us a new people. As a people of love we will serve you with joy. Your glory has filled our hearts. Help us to glorify you in all things. Amen. *HYMN ‘Because He Lives’ No. 562
*COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION (please be seated for the closing music) CLOSING MUSIC
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor. J. Brahms (1833 – 1897) Lillian Parrella, organ (Lillian is the granddaughter of Dick and Sandra Hill. She resides in New York City)
Serving Today: Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister Murray Kidd, Music Director Sylvia Berry, Organist David Wilcox, Sign Language Loren Stott, Sign Language Lisa Landerholm, Hospitality Team Leader
9:55 a.m. November 17, 2019Watch Welcome to worship! As you settle in for worship, please feel free to light a candle of prayer in the chapel area (right side of sanctuary). The children will be with us through the baptism, then may be excused to Sunday School. There is nursery care available throughout the service, and a crying room at the back of the sanctuary for those who become inconsolable. Additionally, for a quieter space, audio of the service is in the library, just outside the sanctuary.
RINGING OF THE CHIMES Sylvia Berry, Organist
GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS Barry Shelley, Moderator *HYMN ‘Bring Many Names’ No. 10 GATHERING PRAYER INTROIT ‘Give Thanks’ Henry Smith
THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISMWatch Being baptized today: Mark Hayes and Dylan Macnair, great grandsons of Glenna Paananen QUESTIONS FOR BAPTISM Do you desire to be baptized? We do Do you promise to be Christ’s disciple, follow Christ’s way, resist evil and oppression, and witness to Christ’s work and word? We do *Asterisk indicates all who are able may stand Bold print indicates congregational response *CONGREGATIONAL ASSENT (please rise) Do you who witness and celebrate this sacrament promise your love, support, and care to these young men about to be baptized, as they live and grow in Christ? We do
*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (remain standing) Pastor: Let us unite with the church in all times and places in confessing our faith in the triune God. Do you believe in God? PEOPLE: I believe in God. Pastor: Do you believe in Jesus Christ? PEOPLE: I believe in Jesus Christ. Pastor: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? PEOPLE: I believe in the Holy Spirit.
BAPTISMAL PRAYER Christ be with you. And also with you.
ACT OF BAPTISMWatch PRAYER FOR THE BAPTIZED (in unison) We give you thanks Holy God, mother and father of all the faithful, for Mark and Dylan who are today washed in the water of Baptism. Embrace us all as sons and daughters in the one household of your love. Grant us grace to receive, value, love, support, nurture and befriend this new member of the body of Christ.
*PASSING THE PEACE Leader: The peace of Christ be with you People: and also with you
*GLORIA ‘Let the Whole Creation Cry’ vs 1 No. 21 Let the whole creation cry, Alleluia! Glory be to God on high! Alleluia! Sun and moon lift up your voice, Alleluia! Night and stars, in God rejoice, Alleluia!
A READING FROM THE GOSPEL Luke 21:5-19Watch SERMON Ann-Marie Illsley WITNESS Katrina Clinton
ANTHEM ‘On River Jordan’s Banks Stand’ Traditional, arr. Rigdon M. McIntosh Watch
On River Jordan’s banks I stand and cast a wishful eye upon the fair and happy land where my possessions lie. I am bound for the promised land, Oh, who will come and go with me? There generous fruits that never fail on trees immortal grow. There rocks and hills and brooks and vales with milk and honey flow Filled with delight, my raptured soul can here no longer stay. Though Jordan’s waves around me roll, fearless I’ll sail away.
MORNING PRAYERS THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Jesus walked this lonesome valley, He had to walk it by Himself, Oh, nobody else could walk it for Him, He had to walk it by Himself. We must walk this lonesome valley, we have to walk it by ourselves, Oh, nobody else can walk it for us, we have to walk it by ourselves. You must go and stand your trial, you have to stand it by yourself, Oh, nobody else can stand it for you, you have to walk it by yourself.
*DOXOLOGY ‘Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow’ No. 50 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN ‘Help Us Accept Each Other’ No. 487
*COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION (please be seated for the closing music)
CLOSING MUSIC Immediately following worship is a congregational meeting. All are invited to stay, members may vote.
Serving Today: Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister Murray Kidd, Music Director Sylvia Berry, Organist David Wilcox, Sign Language Loren Stott, Sign Language Lorraine Wilcox, Hospitality Team Leader
9:55 a.m. November 3, 2019Watch Welcome to worship! As you settle in for worship, please feel free to light a candle of prayer in the chapel area (right side of sanctuary). The children will be with us through the Blessing of the Children. There is nursery care available throughout the service, and a crying room at the back of the sanctuary for those who become inconsolable. Additionally, for a quieter space, audio of the service is in the library, just outside the sanctuary.
*PROCESSIONAL HYMN ‘For All the Saints’ (verses 1-3) No. 637
GATHERING PRAYER AND BLESSING OF THE CHILDRENWatch (the children may be excused to their program following the blessing)
INTROIT ‘I’ve Got Peace Like a River’ Traditional
PSALM 149 Lay Reader: Bill Cockshaw Watch GOSPEL READING Luke 6:20-31 SERMON Rev. Patricia Hayes
MORNING PRAYERSWatch THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
CALL FOR OFFERINGS *Asterisk indicates all who are able may stand Bold print indicates congregational response
OFFERTORY ‘The Lone Wild Bird’ PROSPECT, Traditional Watch Alisa Cassola, soloist arr. David N. Johnson The lone wild bird in lofty flight is still with thee, nor leaves thy sight. And I am thine! I rest in thee. Great Spirit, come, and rest in me. The ends of earth are in thy hand, the sea’s dark deep and far off land. And I am thine! I rest in thee. Great Spirit, come and rest in me. The lone, wild bird in lofty flight is still with thee, nor leaves thy sight.
*DOXOLOGY ‘Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow’ No. 50 Watch Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION OF OFFERINGS *PASSING OF THE PEACE (by handshake, hug, or wave) Leader: The peace of Christ be with you! People: And also with you.
*HYMN ‘It Is Well With My Soul’ No. 561 (the children will rejoin us for the Remembrance and Communion)
ALL SAINTS REMEMBRANCEWatch *READING OF THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Readers: Jeff Illsley and Jan Howard (after we have read the names, if you would like to add the name of a loved one who was not listed who died since the last All Souls Day, please do so)
*UNISON PRAYER Holy God, on this day we remember and honor, your faithful servants. Hold these precious people in your eternal heart, O God. We thank you for them, and for all those who have entrusted their lives to Jesus and followed him as faithful disciples. We want to learn from their trusting, their loving and serving, their willingness to suffer for him in sharing his mission on earth. May their spirits testify to us this day, that we may go forward into the future owning the faith and courage we have inherited. Amen.
ANTHEM ‘Ubi Caritas’ A. Gregory Murray Watch Where true love and kindness are found, God himself is there. Now the love of Christ has gathered us together, let us then rejoice, be glad in him forever, fear the Lord, yet love him, God the everlasting, Let us love each other with a love unceasing. We are of one body, therefore when we gather, let no strife or discord our true friendship sever, may no evil action, word or thought divide us, may the Lord our God be every hear beside us. Grant us, Lord, we pray you, in your love so tender, that with all the saints we see you in your spendour; may we share in heaven perfect joy unfailing, where you reign supreme in majesty unending.
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Watch INVITATION PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION (in unison) When we wander from your path, forgive us, Loving God. When we forget to care for other, forgive us, Loving God. When we lose our faith or misplace hope, forgive us, Loving God. KYRIE (refrain of ‘It is Well With My Soul’) It is well (it is well) – it is well (it is well), it is well, it is well with my soul.
*WORDS OF ASSURANCE *THE COMMUNION PRAYER God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to God. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise. It is indeed right to give you our thanks and praise, O God…Therefore, with all who love and serve you in heaven and on earth, we raise our voices: (please be seated) WORDS OF INSTITUTION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION
SHARING THE BREAD AND CUP Our communion table is open to all who wish a closer relationship with Jesus. Today we will receive in our pews. Please pass the tray to the center of your pew, then serve one another, offering the tray to the next person so that they may take a piece of the bread, dip it in the grape juice, and eat. Please use this time for silent prayer.
COMMUNION MUSIC ‘The Call’ Ralph Vaughan Williams Watch arr. K. McChesney Chancel Ringers: Doug Anderson, Carol Bradford, Bill Cockshaw, Jilliann Larson, Leigh-Ann Larson, Leo Larson, Sharon Quesnel – Murray Kidd, director Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: Such a Way, as gives us breath: Such a Truth, as ends all strife: Such a Life, as killeth death. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: Such a Light, as shows a feast: Such a Feast, as mends in length: Such a Strength, as makes his guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joyes in love.
RESPONSIVE PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Watch You have given yourself to us, Lord. Now we give ourselves to others. Your love has made us a new people. As a people of love we will serve you with joy. Your glory has filled our hearts. Help us to glorify you in all things. Amen. *CLOSING HYMN ‘For All the Saints’ (verses 4-5) No. 637
*COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION (please be seated for the closing music)
Serving Today: Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister Murray Kidd, Music Director Alisa Cassola, Soloist Sylvia Berry, Organist Yukiko Oba, Guest Organist David Wilcox, Sign Language Loren Stott, Sign Language Kelly Deyoe, Hospitality Team Leader
Welcome to worship! As you settle in for worship, please feel free to light a candle of prayer in the chapel area (right side of sanctuary). The children will be with us through the baptism, then may be excused to their classes. There is nursery care available throughout the service, and a crying room at the back of the sanctuary for those who become inconsolable. Additionally, for a quieter space, audio of the service is in the library, just outside the sanctuary.
RINGING OF THE CHIMES Sylvia Berry, Organist
GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS Barry Shelley, Moderator *PROCESSIONAL HYMN ‘Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing’ No. 16
CALL TO WORSHIP One: The road is long, but the journey is worth it. All: We do not travel alone; we are part of the great fellowship of saints. One: The life of faith rises and falls, All: But God is with us, every step of the way. One: The Spirit gives us endurance and strength for the journey; All: Christ has called us into a community of living hope. One: Come join us on the journey of faith; All: Share in the Good News of God’s Love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
GATHERING PRAYER INTROIT ‘Blessed Quietness’ W. S. Marshall, arr. J. Jefferson Cleveland and Verolga Nix
HYMN ‘Be Thou My Vision’ No. 595 (the children may be excused to their classes following the hymn) *Asterisk indicates all who are able may stand Bold print indicates congregational response
PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION (in unison) God of Hope and Faith, we confess that our wandering sometimes leads to doubt, and doubt leads to uncertainty, and uncertainty can lead to a lack of trust. But sometimes uncertainty leads us to new faith, new hope, new trust that You have not left us alone. Help us to know that when we fall into doubt and uncertainty, we are not alone. We have one another. You have called us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and what we lack in faith in You, may we be restored in faith in one another. Help us to become Living Hope to each other, and through the helping hands and hearts that surround us, may our faith in You be renewed again. In Christ Jesus, our Lord, who became one of us, who became our Living Hope, we pray. Amen.
KYRIE ‘Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult’ vs 1 No. 337 Jesus calls us o’er the tumult of our life’s wild restless sea, day by day his sweet voice soundeth, saying “Christian, follow me.”
*WORDS OF ASSURANCE (please stand as you are able) *RECEIVING AND SHARING GOD’S LOVE (by handshake, embrace, or with hands folded) The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. *GLORIA ‘For the Beauty of the Earth’ vs 1 No. 56 For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies, Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
ANTHEM ‘A Place at the Table’ Lori True/Shirley Erena Murray Watch (please join in singing the refrain) For everyone born, a place at the table, for everyone born, clean water and bread, a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing, for everyone born, a star overhead. (Refrain) And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, yes, God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy! For gay and for straight, a place at the table, a covenant shared, a welcoming space, a rainbow of race and gender and color, for gay and for straight, the chalice of grace.
MORNING PRAYERS THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD OFFERTORY ‘How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place’ (Psalm 84: 1-2)Watch Johannes Brahms How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! For my soul, it longeth, yea fainteth, for the courts of the Lord: my soul and body crieth out, yea for the living God.
*DOXOLOGY ‘Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow’ No. 50 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! *PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN ‘Jesu, Jesu’ No. 600
*COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION (please be seated for the closing music) CLOSING MUSIC *Costume Parade
Participating in today’s service are: Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister Murray Kidd, Music Director Alisa Cassola, Soloist Sylvia Berry, Organist David Wilcox, Sign Language Loren Stott, Sign Language
Being baptized today: Salomè Ohanna Kaptimer, born on May 30, 2019 to Lauren Selman-Kaptimer and Henok Kaptimer. QUESTIONS FOR BAPTISM Do you desire for your child to be baptized? We do Do you promise to be Christ’s disciple, follow Christ’s way, resist evil and oppression, and witness to Christ’s work and word? We do *CONGREGATIONAL ASSENT (please rise) Do you who witness and celebrate this sacrament promise your love, support, and care to this child about to be baptized, as she lives and grows in Christ? We do
*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (remain standing) Pastor: Let us unite with the church in all times and places in confessing our faith in the triune God. Do you believe in God? PEOPLE: I believe in God. Pastor: Do you believe in Jesus Christ? PEOPLE: I believe in Jesus Christ. Pastor: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? PEOPLE: I believe in the Holy Spirit.
BAPTISMAL PRAYERWatch Christ be with you. And also with you. ACT OF BAPTISM PRAYER FOR THE BAPTIZED (in unison) We give you thanks Holy God, mother and father of all the faithful, for this baby who is today washed in the water of Baptism. Embrace us all as sons and daughters in the one household of your love. Grant us grace to receive, value, love, support, nurture and befriend this new member of the body of Christ.
GLORIA ‘Clap Your Hands’ No. 38Watch 1) Clap your hands, all you people; shout unto God with a voice of triumph! 2) Clap your hands, all you people; shout unto God with a voice of praise! 3) Hosanna! Hosanna!Shout unto God with a voice of triumph! Praise God! Praise God! Shout unto God with a voice of praise! (the children may be excused to their classes following the Gloria)
PSALM 121 Lay Reader: Luanne CockshawWatch FIRST REFLECTION Rev. Katrina Clinton
‘A Place at the Table’ Lori True/Shirley Erena Murray (please join in singing the refrain) For everyone born, a place at the table, for everyone born, clean water and bread, a shelter, a space, a safe place for growing, for everyone born, a star overhead. (Refrain) And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, yes, God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy! For gay and for straight, a place at the table, a covenant shared, a welcoming space, a rainbow of race and gender and color, for gay and for straight, the chalice of grace.
ANTHEM ‘Everything Possible’ Fred SmallWatch Doug Anderson, voice; Andrew Howard, guitar.
We have cleared off the table, the leftovers saved Washed the dishes and put them away. I have told you a story and tucked you in tight At the end of your knockabout day. As the moon sets its sail to carry you to sleep Over the Midnight sea I will sing you a song no one sang to me May it keep you good company. You can be anybody you want to be You can love whomever you will. You can travel any country where your heart leads And know I will love you still. You can live by yourself, you can gather friends around You can choose one special one. And the only measure of your words and your deeds Will be the love you leave behind when your done. There are girls who grow up strong and bold Some boys quiet and kind Some race on ahead, some follow behind, Some go in their own way and time. Some women love women, some men love men Some raise children, some never do. You can dream all the day never reaching the end Of everything possible for you. Don’t be rattled by names, by taunts, by games But seek out spirits true. If you give your friends the best part of yourself, They will give the same back to you.
MORNING PRAYERSWatch THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
OFFERTORY ‘We Are One’ Brian TateWatch When we walk, when we sleep, when we rise, we are one. When we laugh, when we sing, when we cry, when we run, we are one. And we shall love one another with all our hearts. And we shall care for each other with all our soul and our might. When we stand when we fall, when we rise we are one. In the cold, in the heat, in the dark, in the sun we are one. And we shall love one another with all our hearts. And we shall care for each other with all our soul and our might. When we’re hurting one another, that’s the way we hurt ourselves, with our sisters and our brothers we will rise. And we do and we try we must live or we die. We will reach, we will climb, we will rise, we will fly, we are one. And these words shall be forever within our hearts, And we shall teach them to our children, and remember them in our lives. When we walk, when we sleep, when we rise, we are one, when we laugh, when we sing, when we cry, when we run, we are strong, we belong, we are one!
‘Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow’ No. 50 Video Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN ‘Ours the Journey’ No. 458
*COMMISSIONING AND BENEDICTION (please be seated for the closing music) CLOSING MUSIC ‘We Are One” (Join In)
Participating in today’s service are: Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister Murray Kidd, Music Director Alisa Cassola, Soloist Sylvia Berry, Organist David Wilcox, Sign Language Loren Stott, Sign Language
Statement Of Welcome (adopted October 18, 2009) The Love of Christ for Each Person Knows No Bounds, and…
We, at Christ Congregational Church, United Church of Christ of Brockton, celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and seek to be a community of Christians who live in openness to the voice of the Still Speaking God.
We celebrate family in all its diverse forms and honor, support, and bless all loving and committed relationships.
As we seek to live out our mission to live Christ’s compassion and promote justice, healing, and wholeness of life, we welcome into our community persons of every gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability, age, race, nationality, economic and social status, faith background, marital standing and family structure.
We invite and welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings, and joys of our congregation as we seek to grow together in faith and love.
We remember our promises made at baptism, therefore no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome to this United Church of Christ.