An invitation to submit nominations for the Pastoral Search Committee…

Sadly, Rev. Patricia Hayes will be retiring in January 2020.  We are now taking steps to prepare our congregation to be ready to search for a new pastor after we celebrate Rev. Patricia’s ministry and say farewell.  As one such step, the Church Council will appoint a Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) of seven members plus two alternates that will lead the search process.  This process will be completed in August of 2019.

Given the PSC’s critical role in our congregation’s upcoming transition and call for a new pastor, we will make every effort to assure that this committee represents a diversity of interests, perspectives, and experiences in our congregation. 

To that end, the Nominating Committee is inviting you to be involved in the pastoral search process.

As a member of the PSC, you will fulfill critically important responsibilities during the next year or more:

  • Participate in transitional reflection activities in the fall and draft a Local Church Profile by December
  • Help post the call for applications
  • Review pastoral candidates’ profiles after Rev. Patricia’s departure
  • Identify the most promising prospects
  • Interview short-listed candidates and hearing them preach
  • Recommend one candidate for our congregation’s consideration and vote

This committee will require a significant commitment.

If you are interested in committing your time and talents to serving on the PSC and/or you wish to recommend another member for consideration, please complete the nomination form below and submit it no later than August 4 2019.

If you have questions, please contact:

Adam Mitchell, Chair of the Nominating Committee

 (774) 240-0928

Jan Howard, Chair of the Pastoral Transition Team

(617) 775-9186

Barry Shelley, Moderator

(857) 210-3152

Nomination Form

If you would like to be considered for nomination and you would like to recommend someone to be nominated, please submit two entries for consideration.

Name of person your nominating other than yourself