

Worship February 23, 2020

Full Video from Beginnin

Full Order of Worship

Serving Today:
Rev. Jane MacIntyre
Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister
Murray Kidd, Music Director
Sylvia Berry, Organist
David Wilcox, Sign Language
Loren Stott, Sign Language
Tricia Gross, Hospitality Team Leader

Worship December 8th 2019

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Full Order of Service

Click on the “Watch” link on the right to watch video of service starting at that point in the order of worship.

9:55 a.m. December 8, 2019

Welcome to worship! As you settle in for worship, please feel free to light a candle of prayer in the chapel area (right side of sanctuary). The children will be with us through the baptism, then may be excused to their classes.

There is nursery care available throughout the service, and a crying room for those who become inconsolable.

RINGING OF THE CHIMES Sylvia Berry, Organist

GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS Barry Shelley, Moderator
*HYMN ‘Standing In the Need of Prayer’ No. 579

Reader 1: Today we light two candles- the first Candle is called HOPE and it is a reminder that God’s promises are true.

Reader 2: The second Candle is called PEACE, God’s gentle loving peace for our lives.

Reader 3: We seek God’s peace in this time of stress.

Reader 4: Come, all is ready. Let the light of this these candles, called HOPE and PEACE, bring brightness to your spirits.

INTROIT ‘A Gospel Song of Peace’ Sally K. Albrecht

*Asterisk indicates all who are able may stand
Bold print indicates congregational response

Being baptized today: Ramsey William Fraser, born on August 29, 2019 to Jennifer Lee Fraser and Corey Alan Fraser

Do you desire for your child to be baptized? We do
Do you promise to be Christ’s disciple, follow Christ’s way, resist evil and oppression, and witness to Christ’s work and word? We do

Do you who witness and celebrate this sacrament promise your love, support, and care to this child about to be baptized, as he lives and grows in Christ? We do

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (remain standing)
Pastor: Let us unite with the church in all times and places in confessing our faith in the
triune God. Do you believe in God?
PEOPLE: I believe in God.
Pastor: Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
PEOPLE: I believe in Jesus Christ.
Pastor: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
PEOPLE: I believe in the Holy Spirit.
Christ be with you.
And also with you.

We give you thanks Holy God, mother and father of all the faithful, for this baby who is today washed in the water of Baptism. Embrace us all as sons and daughters in the one household of your love. Grant us grace to receive, value, love, support, nurture and befriend this new member of the body of Christ.

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you
People: and also with you

*GLORIA ‘Emanuel, Emanuel’ No. 134
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called Emmanuel.
God with us, revealed in us, his name is called Emmanuel.

A READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 11:1-10 Lay Reader: Alice Farnsworth

ANTHEM ‘E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come’ Paul Manz
Peace be to you and grace from Him who freed us from our sins, Who loved us all and shed His blood that we might saved be. Sing Holy, Holy to our Lord, the Lord, Almighty God, Who was and is and is to come; Sing Holy, Holy, Lord! Rejoice in heaven, all ye that dwell therein, rejoice on earth, ye saints below, For Christ is coming, is coming soon, for Christ is coming soon! E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come, and night shall be no more; They need no light nor lamp nor sun, for Christ will be their All!

Words related to Revelation, Chapter 22

A READING FROM THE GOSPEL Matthew 3:1-12 Watch
SERMON Rev. Patricia Hayes

HYMN ‘Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus’ No. 125

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

OFFERTORY ‘Advent Alleluia’ HYFRYDOL, arr. Douglas Wagner Watch
Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Alleluia. Born thy people to deliver, born a child and yet a King. Born to reign in us forever, now thy gracious kingdom bring. Alleluia.

*HYMN ‘There’s A Song in the Air’ No. 159

(please be seated for the closing music)

Serving Today:
Rev. Patricia Hayes, Senior Minister
Ann-Marie Illsley, Acting Associate Minister
Murray Kidd, Music Director
Sylvia Berry, Organist
David Wilcox, Sign Language
Loren Stott, Sign Language
Deana Colby, Hospitality Team Leader

From My Heart to Yours

Dear Reader,

Perhaps you are here, on this page of the website, hoping to find a church home.  Perhaps you are looking for a place of welcome, a place to journey in your faith, a place to explore your doubts, a place to celebrate the many gifts of God in your life.

I hope that you will visit Christ Congregational Church either for Sunday worship (9:55 am) or Wednesday Dinners (6pm).  We are part of the United Church of Christ, a progressive Christian denomination that has led the way in ordaining women, in work for racial justice, and in welcoming persons of all gender identities.  We know that this work is not complete, and we invite you to journey with us in bringing God’s kin-dom to earth.

Christ Congregational Church was once four separate Congregational churches in Brockton, consolidated in 1980 to become one strong church.  It is out of that DNA that we continue to thrive – the DNA of change, of coming together under a big tent, of adapting to new times, and of listening for our God’s call to bring love and inclusion to the world.

These days our congregation is a “here comes everybody” church – with gays and straights, with rich and poor, with black and white, with scholars and “regular” folk, with young and old, all gathering together to worship and work together as followers of Jesus.

We are about the business of creating beloved community – both within our walls and in the world.  We hope you will consider being part of that mission.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to chat.


Rev. Patricia Haye